Thursday, February 10, 2011

Had to share this wonderful comment!

We receive comments, phone calls and letters all the time from our happy Brides and Grooms about how much they love their videos.  It's always wonderful to read that people are happy with what we have produced for them, but when we get a comment like this from someone we only just met, never worked for or worked with, it's beyond what any words can express.

Comment from our Facebook Fan Page
Carolyn was working at the Mary Kay Cosmetics booth next to ours at the Villa Borgehe Bridal Show this January.  We're used to other vendors coming by, having a look at our work and introducing themselves, but Carolyn couldn't tear herself away from screen.  She would walk back to her booth and minutes later, she'd be peeking at our screen from over her table.  Bride's would be at her booth and she would be sending them our way.  This is not unheard of at Bridal Shows, but it's highly unusual to receive this kind of support when you've only just met the person that morning.

We were so blessed to have met Caroyln that day and feel so privileged that she was so impressed with our work that she liked our Facebook page and left us such a wonderful comment.  Thank you, Carolyn, from the bottom of our hearts!

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