Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Marissa's Bridal Prep

All brides are happy on their wedding day and all brides smile throughout the day, but Marissa just could not contain herself for one second. She was smiling, laughing and joking around with everyone from the moment that we arrived to film her (I would be willing to bet that it was most likely from the moment she woke up, but we have no video evidence to support that).

As you watch through this clip you will notice that there is really only one moment where Marissa has a calm wash over her; when her dress is being done up and her brother walks in to see her. She tries to smile, but you can see the emotion behind it. She bounces back immediately though because she knew that when her brother arrived that Justin was waiting outside to start their photos. She was so excited to see him and in such a hurry get there that she almost forgot to put on her jewelry, garter and veil. In those moments, the bride that I thought was already giddy became consumed with such intense happiness. I hope that everyone that has been together for nine years like Marissa and Justin have can still be this excited to see each other. They are very truly in love.

For more on this wedding, see:

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